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If you have any questions regarding the terms of use, please contact us via the following contact form:

Thank you for your feedback!


CalcuPIPE is provided for your use free-of-charge. Please note that by accessing and using the calcuPIPE website (“calcuPIPE”), you accept without limitation or qualification, the following terms of use.

  1. The calcuPIPE website is intended to provide design assistance only. It is not intended to be comprehensive nor does it constitute an approved design.

  2. CalcuPIPE is a tool that can be used to estimate the velocity and pressure drop of water in pipes. CalcuPIPE is intended to assist engineers and designers (“the designer”) with pipe sizing for various applications. It is the sole responsibility of the designer to verify the results of calcuPIPE and select the appropriate pipe size for the specific application. Unqualified persons should seek other professional advice before acting on, or relying on any of the content of calcuPIPE.

  3. All works, content and calculations on this website, including without limitation, all text, information, design, graphics, images and code are the exclusive property of calcuPIPE and are protected by copyright law.

  4. Although all endeavours have been made to provide accurate calculations, the creator of calcuPIPE takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the results.

  5. Before using the results, the user should verify against another reliable method.

  6. CalcuPIPE reserves the right to make changes to the website without notice.

  7. This website contains links to other sites. CalcuPIPE makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy or any other aspect of the information on those linked sites. No link to another site should be construed as an endorsement or recommendation of information, goods or services referred to.

  8. These terms of use may be changed at any time at calcuPIPE’s sole discretion and without notice.

© 2022  CalcuPIPE. All rights reserved.

The calcuPIPE website is intended to provide design assistance only. The creator of calcuPIPE takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the results. Before using the results, the user should verify against another reliable method. Refer to the terms of use for more information.

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